Beacon Internships

Overview of Beacon Internships

The overall aim of the Beacon Internships is to create opportunities to upskill ‘under-represented’ communities in clinical research, through mentored internships in clinically-aligned projects. 

These Beacon Internships are designed for flexible working, allowing better access to those who have caring responsibilities or different internship-access requirements. The Beacon Internships may be delivered throughout academic term-times and throughout academic holidays, in order to provide the opportunities to engage at the most appropriate time for the research project and interns. We have successfully delivered the following internships:

  • Ethnic Minority – for all ethnic minority communities
  • Pride – LGBTQAI+ community
  • Gender – for all under-represented genders, such as female-identifying, non-binary and transgender
  • Neurodivergent – for all neurodiverse communities
  • Lower income – for those from a lower income background

The opportunities for representation do not need to be limited to those above – we are working to expand in many other areas. Each of our internship positions have been developed and reviewed with substantial engagement from those communities, to ensure these reflect the language, culture, sensitivities and desires of students wishing to develop their clinical research backgrounds.

These internships align with typical Athena SWAN goals – critical for Higher Education institutions in their work to best create teaching and research excellence. Here, you can see five links between the Beacon Internships and typical Athena SWAN ambitions:

Awareness and up-skillingThe provision of tailored equality, diversity and inclusivity opportunities supports with the awareness of the importance of these opportunities, and encourages this kind of opportunity to be replicated in future clinical academic endeavours for both staff and students involved in the internships.
CommunicationThese internships provide increased opportunities to connect students and staff through academic networks, and allows for greater communication and collaboration between these two groups.
ConnectednessThese internships help widen the collaborations occurring between staff and student bodies, and aims to also lower the walls between the academic and research divisions of academic institutions in the hope to encourage closer collaboration and to make collaborative development more achievable.
CurriculumThese internships provide an opportunity to support students from diverse backgrounds who are underrepresented in academia, as well as providing opportunities to work with positive role models where people can identify with their seniors and see themselves represented in a clinical academic role.
Student empowermentThe activities as part of the internship aims to empower students in their academic development as well as providing platforms to facilitate opportunities to be mentored by those that are in a similar under-represented group as themselves for positive role models. This relationship and the academic growth of the individual will support the individuals in their ability to speak up confidently, facilitating the development of a more engaged and inclusive environment.

University of Dundee Internships 2025-2026

We are thrilled to be launching our internships at the University of Dundee’s Medical School. Working with The Dow Memorial Trust and UoD’s EVS team, we are launching two fully paid internships for the 2025-6 academic year. We are currently exploring additional funding opportunities to bring this pilot year’s internship program additional positions.

We are currently recruiting for supervisors with projects suitable. We have extensive guidance for supervisors, and welcome all clinical and academic staff at Dundee Medical School/ NHS Tayside to submit their projects for consideration. Those who are most likely to progress through to advertisement to students are ones that prioritise opportunities for publications/ conference submissions.

For those looking to become a supervisor, please use the following link to apply:

The deadline for applications is 14/03/2025 5pm. Please ensure all submissions (multiple available per supervisor) are complete by this date.

University of Warwick Internships

There are six internship opportunities for Warwick Medical Students during the 2023-2024 academic year:

  • Ethnic Minority – for all ethnic minority communities
  • Pride – LGBTQAI+ community
  • Gender – for all under-represented genders, such as female-identifying, non-binary and transgender
  • Neurodivergent – for all neurodiverse communities
  • Widening participation – for those from a low income background
  • Parent and carer – for those with caring responsibilities

Setting up your own Beacon Internships

If you’re looking to set up a Beacon Internship programme, hit the button below to email us or get in touch through social media. We would be delighted to help you through each step of the way.

Our logo for the beacon internships: A purple lighthouse in the centre of a purple circle, with the words Beacon Internship around


We appreciate any and all comments and questions. If you’re looking to set up a Beacon Internship programme, become a mentor, volunteer, enquire about our work or just looking for more information, hit the button below.